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Modern Dance Teacher Training 1st Level

What you learn:

✅ Modern Dance: history, major exponents, different techniques.
✅ The dance master.
✅ The typical lesson.
✅ The warm-up.
✅ The study of technique in diagonals.
✅ The use of music.
✅ The current differences between modern dance and contemporary dance.

How long does it last:

✅ A weekend, Saturday and Sunday.
✅ ONLINE: Saturday 10:00/13:00, 14:00/17:00 - Sunday 10:00/13:00, 14:00/18:00

✅ The course is held live, connected with the teacher through the Zoom platform

✅ Requirements: have a free space to work and be fully visible through the webcam
✅ IN PERSON: Saturday 12:00/18:00 - Sunday 10:00/13:00, 13:30/16:30

Are the courses crowded?

✅ To ensure the quality of the course, the maximum number of students enrolled does not exceed 12.

✅ For online courses, if you have connection problems during the course, such that you cannot continue, you can re-attend the course for free on the following date.

Is there an exam planned?

✅ There is a test regarding the theoretical part, with multiple choice questions, the test is held on Sunday at the end of the course.

✅ A practical exam is planned, to be taken within 90 days of the course, by sending a video lesson, of which the teacher will give you details during the course.

Which title is released?

✅ At the end of the course, the EUROPEDANCEMOVEMENT certificate of participation (Certificate of Attendance) will be issued
✅ Upon passing the exam, the OPES National Diploma, recognized by CONI, of 1st level Modern Dance Teacher + Technical Card + Snaq is issued.

What if I can't attend?

Don't worry, your money is always safe! If you can't attend the course, you can decide to attend the course on another date.

How much does it cost?

✅ Course €339.00

✅ Membership 2024/25 €25.00 (expires 08/31/25)

✅ Exam fee €100.00

✅ Online Course: One week before the course you will receive: COURSE MANUAL in PDF + CERTIFICATE + Credentials to access the course through ZOOM.

In-Person Course: You will receive all the teaching material directly upon your arrival at the facility. 15 days before the course you will receive a detailed email with the location of the course.


When registering you must put COURSE + MEMBERSHIP in the same cart.

Later, when you decide to take the exam you can purchase it separately.

If you prefer, you can also purchase COURSE + MEMBERSHIP + EXAM FEE in a single cart,

in this case the day after completing the course you will already receive the email with the material and instructions for taking the exam.

Upcoming dates

November 30 - December 01, 2024 | ONLINE


✅ E' possibile iscriversi al corso con un'età minima di 18 anni compiuti (o da compiere entro l'anno di frequentazione del corso).

 E' possibile ripetere l'esame gratuitamente se non lo si supera al primo appello.

 L'organizzazione si assume la facoltà di rinviare il corso qualora non si raggiunga il numero minimo di iscritti, in questo caso la quota verrà trattenuta e potrà essere utilizzata per la nuova data dello stesso corso o per altri eventi.

 In caso di rinuncia alla partecipazione da parte dell'iscritto la quota verrà trattenuta per un corso successivo senza limite di scadenza.



alex imburgia

For online courses you will receive the teaching materials and instructions for accessing the course one week before the chosen date,

For in-person courses you will receive all the information on the location and course 2 weeks before the chosen date.

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